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Green Party of Rhode Island
37 Sixth Street
Providence, RI 02906

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The People of Rhode Island - Not just Greens, but all Rhode Islanders — have made a powerful commitment to the natural environment. For 350 years, from 1663 to the present, our colonial charter and state Constitution have guaranteed public access to the state's entire, 387-mile, Narragansett Bay and Atlantic Ocean coastline. At election time, Rhode Island voters have a track record of approving every environmental bond issue. With strong support from the general public and state government, Rhode Island will soon be the site of the nation's first offshore wind farm, at Block Island. Rhode Islanders, in fact, are the nation's most aware voters, when it comes to the dangers of global warming and rising seas. Yet even in a "green" state like this, on environmental questions the Greens stand out as Rhode Island's most progressive political party. We are the best party for the natural environment. Do you know an issue we should be working on? Want to help? Click here to let us know: My ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT is strong, what can I do to get involved?

We're Already Working to Stop the Pipelines - One of the big problems we face is the dramatic expansion of extreme fuels in New England, including new or expanded pipelines for fracked gas from points West—destined for Canadian LNG refineries and export to consumers in Europe and Asia. Greens across the northeast are working together to stop this fossil fuel nightmare. In 2014 Rhode Island Greens organized a six-state federation of parties—including the Greens of New Y0rk, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maine—to fight the pipelines planned for our states. Our Green Alliance to Stop the Pipelines (GASP) is a regional force in pipeline resistance. Want more information? Click the image below to visit the GASP Facebook page, and click here to send us an email: We've got to STOP THE PIPELINES!

Democrats and Republicans Fail on Fossil Fuels - Many Rhode Islanders don't realize that both of the old parties support expansion of fossil fuels in Rhode Island, ignoring the record-breaking heat making headlines around the world. The Green Party stands alone among Rhode Island's political parties, against the fossil fuel industries and their threat to life on Earth. The state's leading Democrats and Republicans, for example, including the governor and House speaker, and all four of the Congressional delegation, all support expansion of gas pipelines. They're putting Rhode Island forests, rivers, and towns at risk of explosions, fires, and poison air. And remember, natural gas burned anywhere, whether in New England or some other country, will make global warming much worse. It's time to leave fossil fuels behind and build a renewable future! Click here to let us know you agree: The Time for RENEWABLES is NOW!

Grassroots Resistance is Never Futile - Because the stakes are so high, Rhode Island Greens have been working in coalition with other climate resisters, including Fossil Free Rhode Island (FFRI), Fighting Against Natural Gas (FANG), and the Sierra Club of Rhode Island. Together we've organized protests, meetings with officials, and formal intervention at federal and state agencies. We are part of the NOPE - No Pipeline Coalition, representing pipeline resisters in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts.


YOU CAN HELP! In a state where money dominates politics, the Greens are the only political party which accepts no money at all from corporate donors. That means we can honestly advocate for the people—and for the Earth. We rely entirely on support from people like you. Click the "Donate" link below, to make a donation today! If you don't have the money, we completely understand. Times are tough. But we have a plan. Want to know what Greens would do to kickstart this lousy Rhode Island economy? Read about a better idea: our plan for a Rhode Island Green Economy