Green Party of Rhode Island
37 Sixth Street
Providence, RI 02906
¡Este es tu partido!
We Remember
Barbara Bradbury
Bob Sumner-Mack
Richard Walton |
The Green Party is the party of peace, not war
Are you tired of our war-mongering U.S representatives and senators?
"Military aggression serves war profiteers, not the people,” says Lisa Savage, Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate from Maine. “We cannot bomb our way to a peaceful resolution."
Lisa is making a strong run for U.S. Senate, in nearby Maine. But what about here in Rhode Island? When will Rhode Island voters finally have candidates who oppose war, and would convert our economy to human needs?
Are you that candidate?
Are you urgent about climate change, insistent on equal rights, passionate about democracy, and an advocate for peace, never war?
If so, we want to hear from you. To learn more about being a Green candidate this year, send email to: statecommittee@rigreens.org.
Read Peter Nightingale's essay about the Green New Deal
Five and a half years ago, the Burrillville police arrested URI physicist Peter Nightingale. In the pre-dawn hours of August 13, 2015, Peter had chained himself to the Spectra Energy gate, protesting the fracked-gas compressor station being built there. In the years since, Peter has become a well-known climate justice campaigner, protesting, organizing, and telling the world it's time to end the use of fossil fuels. Like Green Parties across the country, we agree with Peter. As a nation, at every level of government, we must take action now to abandon fossil fuels, to save the Earth from catastrophic climate change. It may be too late to avoid the worst, but we haven't given up, and neither have you!
The time to act is NOW.
Read Peter's essay, about the Green New Deal - "The Green New Deal vs. Capitalism"
We are serious about our political principles
The Green Party of Rhode Island is a small, independent political party in the State of Rhode Island. Since our founding in 1992, we've helped establish the national Green Party in 1996, participated in the First Global Green Gathering in 2001, and placed Green candidates for U.S. President on the Rhode Island ballot for every election between 1996 and 2016. (The coronavirus pandemic forced us to suspend petitioning for the 2020 election). Over the years we've also sponsored candidates for Congress, Lieutenant Governor, the General Assembly, city and town councils, Providence Mayor, Woonsocket Mayor, and other local offices. The Green Party's core principles include Ecology, Equality, Democracy, and Peace.
Want to learn more? Please send me email with GENERAL INFO on the Green Party
We need your help, in the fight for ecology and justice
Just like other political parties we run candidates for public office, but some of our most important work comes between elections, when we do grass-roots organizing that's unlike any other political party:
- We fight fossil fuel pipelines and promote wind and solar.
- We're working to end racial profiling and police brutality, and put a stop to racial discrimination.
- We advocate your right to privacy and civil liberties.
- We oppose mass surveillance, and would end mass incarceration.
- We support legalization of marijuana (cannabis) and hemp.
- We are against war, and support the peace movement in Rhode Island.
If you agree with us on these issues, you can help! Click this link to learn more about our issue campaigns: How to GET INVOLVED
We don't accept any corporate donations
"A party of a different kind." In a state where money dominates politics, the Greens are the only political party which accepts no money at all from corporate donors. That means we can honestly advocate for the people—and for the Earth. We rely entirely on financial support from people like you. Click this link to learn how you can help: Make a DONATION
To keep in touch: Follow us on Twitter, and join our Facebook group
We're glad you stopped by to visit! We hope you'll take a few minutes to look around, learn more about the Greens, and if you like what you see, keep in touch—Follow @RIGreens on TWITTER or Join our FACEBOOK GROUP. And, you can always send us an Send us an EMAIL. Thanks for visiting the Green Party of Rhode Island. See you around the Bay!
